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Initial installation of AVR series stabilizer devices
category :خدمات - نصب دستگاه - درخواست نصب اولیه
brand :پتاپاور
Manufacturing Country :ایران
Number of inventory :98 unit
Inventory Code :INS
You can use this option for the initial installation of AVR series stabilizer devices, AVR25 and AVR32 models by the experts of this center.
328900 Toman
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You can use this option for the initial installation of AVR series stabilizer devices, AVR25 and AVR32 models by the experts of this center.

It is necessary to explain that the transportation of the goods is the responsibility of the buyer, and the additional costs of the initial installation (additional wiring, modification of wiring, duct installation, etc.) will be calculated and settled separately.

We also inform you that the installation of STB12000 and FARAPOWER253 devices is free and must be installed and set up by the experts of this collection, otherwise it will be removed from the warranty.

The rest of the portable devices can be installed by the buyer

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