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بستن پنجره
Rules & Regulations

Terms and Conditions of Use

By using the online service of this store, you are fully aware and agree to the following terms and conditions:

The purchase of goods and services from this store is done based on the existing laws and regulations in e-commerce and in full compliance with all the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The services and content of this site are provided for the personal and non-commercial use of the customers and the intellectual property of the information contained in it belongs to this store and any misuse of this information is prosecuted.

Non-commercial use of the contents of the site is prohibited by mentioning the source, and if you wish to use the information on the site for commercial purposes, you must send your request by e petapowertech.cominfo@mail and obtain written permission.
The information about the technical specifications of the goods and services provided is brief and general, and this store will continuously review and update its information and contents.

The online service of this store does not accept any responsibility for the operation of the site which may be caused by factors outside the scope of the management of this site (such as malfunctions of the internet, banking, telecommunication issues, hardware equipment, etc.).
All the tools that are used in Faraz Yara Electronic Industries online service in relation to customers are designed for this purpose only and users are committed to using this tool only to send and receive information that is appropriate and relevant to the discussion of the order.

Faraz Yara Electronic Industries online service communicates with users through petapowertech.com only using the information that users have entered on the site (such as address, phone, etc.).

Faraz Yara Electronic Industries Online Service will not transfer the unique information of users to third parties in any way, and in addition, it is committed to defending the privacy of users as much as possible by using the latest technologies.

Terms and Conditions of Sales Services

From a legal point of view, in the transactions of the online service of Faraz Yara Electronic Industries, the petapowertech.com is considered as the seller and the internet user of the orderer is considered as the buyer.

· The sale of goods is based on the type and quantity that the buyer has listed in the online service of Faraz Yara Electronic Industries.

· The value of the ordered goods or goods will be calculated according to the price list of the site and will include all taxes and sales duties.

· In case of damage to the product during transportation or discrepancy of the customized product with the product received by Faraz Yara Electronic Industries, Faraz Yara undertakes to refund the amount paid by the customer for the return of the goods.

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