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Get Power Surge Compensation
17 تیر ماه 1403

These days, with the warming of the weather and the increase in electricity consumption, the occurrence of electrical fluctuations and the loss of appliances have doubled, but there is no need to worry because according to the announcement, you can easily receive the damage from the electricity industry.

The decrease in the quality of grid electricity, which manifests itself in the home electricity sector with a drop or fluctuation in voltage, may cause technical problems or failures in home electronics, which has become very challenging in recent days. One of the concerns of electricity subscribers these days is sporadic blackouts and the loss of some equipment as a result of these outages.
Of course, the electricity industry has considered a solution for this issue, so that one of the items of electricity bills is the insurance premium, which is a figure equal to 100 tomans per month from urban subscribers and 50 tomans per month from rural subscribers so that if an accident occurs to electrical appliances, people can receive their compensation from insurance.

Since August 2012, it was supposed that all electrical appliances would be insured by Tavanir Company and a sum of money would be collected from subscribers in electricity bills for the same issue, and by deducting this amount, home subscribers would be insured for electrical problems that occur at home.

Currently, there are 35 million electricity subscribers in the country, who pay an average of about 3.5 billion tomans per month as insurance premiums in electricity bills.
However, due to the low amount of insurance payment compared to the amount of the electricity bill, some subscribers do not pay attention to it, so they are unaware of such facilities at the time of the accident and do not follow up on receiving their rights. On the other hand, some people who are aware of providing such facilities pursue their insurance premiums, and many of them do not receive satisfactory results.

According to Tavanir's explanations, in this regard, according to Article 12 of the Law of Accession, each of the Ministries of Oil and Energy, through the relevant subsidiary companies, is allowed to collect the amount that is determined in the annual budget laws in the gas and electricity bills for each residential and commercial unit, and only for the purpose of insuring financial and life losses, including death and disability, and compensating for medical expenses. Explosions, fires, and poisoning of urban and rural customers and nomadic settlements of gas and electricity through insurance companies holding tenders

How much compensation is paid?
Recently, Gholamali Rakhshanimehr, the deputy of distribution coordination of Tavanir's specialized parent company, said about the amount of damages: The cost of damage to equipment up to 12 million tomans, death due to disruption of the electricity network is 450 million tomans, limb defect is 303 million tomans, fire is 417 million tomans, and medical expenses are 322 million tomans, which will finally be paid from October after the insurer is determined.
Stating that one of the goals of the electricity industry is to use the capabilities of cyberspace to reduce the physical presence of subscribers in the subsidiaries of Tavanir, which has been identified so far 28 measures and can be implemented for most companies by the end of this year, he stated: One of these measures is the insurance of damages to subscribers in such a way that all subscribers can receive compensation from the electricity industry through the bimetavanir.org.ir system to follow up.
Stating that every year in the budget law, we receive an amount from subscribers in bills, which is 100 tomans for urban subscribers and 50 tomans for rural subscribers, he added: If an accident occurs in the domestic or commercial sector and leads to mutilation or death, people can refer to this site to report the damage to equipment or the defect of a fire and death caused by a fire. disruption in the electricity network, and announce that after reviewing the expert and choosing the insurer, the cost will be paid.
The Deputy of Tavanir Distribution Coordination stated that every year the insurer is determined, but due to the time-consuming process of determining the insurer and for the satisfaction of the subscribers, a system has been set up that people can follow up on this issue in person, and said: We promise that by October it will be possible to both assess the damages and take action to pay them. Today, they can take action against their damages in this system, and as soon as the insurer is determined, it will be possible to pay.

Rakhshanimehr, stating that people who have damages related to before 2020 should also not worry, because the compensation amounts will be paid through Kowsar Insurance, which has already won through the tender, emphasized: People can refer to the system to send documents and experts will review the documents and the accident, and without referring to the subscriber, two-way communication will be established through the system, and after choosing The insurer will pay the costs through a tender.We are trying to start investigating the issue in October and finally pay the damages in less than two weeks.

Emphasizing that people should seriously put the safety of electricity on the agenda, he said: "If the life of the buildings is long, an electrician must go to check the internal network lines of the house and have a monitoring of the electrical system of their homes every year."
How to apply for compensation?

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